How to track your Flourish Score


We’ve been talking about creating conditions in our lives to flourish. We’ve gone through a lot of categories – relationships, emotions, engagement with the world, meaning, health and more.

We’ve touched on a lot of things we can do to help ourselves flourish.

But what if you want to really focus for a time on things that lead to flourishing? What’s a good way to get intentional about it?

That’s where I was in January. I needed to focus on myself a bit. I wanted to be purposeful about adding things into my life that felt flourishing.

So I started tracking my Flourish Score.

Tracking a Flourish Score isn’t something that you’ll want to do forever. It’s helpful during specific times in your life, when you need to focus on getting yourself back on track.

How the Flourish Tracker works

I’ve got a download for you to print your own Weekly Flourish Tracker.

The way it works is you make a list of things that feel flourishing to you. Everyone’s list will look different. You need to add things to your list that nurture you, that encourage you to take little actions that provide a benefit. Think about things that feel like little luxuries and then do what it takes to make it happen.

These were things I knew were good for me, but sometimes I had trouble getting myself to do them. Gamifying the process a bit really helped.

There’s space for twenty items, however don’t feel you need to list twenty things!

You also aren’t trying to do all the things every day, but it’s nice to have a good variety to choose from.

You want to list everyday types of things. Things that can naturally be built into your days.

Give yourself a point for each item on the list. At the end of the day, add up your score.

For myself, I aimed to have a good/better/best score of 7/8/9. Before starting to focus on things that were flourishing, my score was usually around 4.

Things to track:

One note – This list is about adding good things into your life. Breaking bad habits will also help with flourishing, but that’s not what this list is for.

Focus on adding in a lot of good things.

Here are a few suggestions to get your mind rolling for your own list:

  • Get outside
  • Take a walk
  • Exercise
  • Read a book/listen to audio book
  • Arts or crafts
  • Cook a meal/eat at home/try a new recipe
  • Call a friend
  • Take care of a nagging task
  • Make your bed
  • Lay out/gather outfits for the week, complete with jewelry and shoes
  • Use candles or placemats for dinner
  • Keep the kitchen cleaned up
  • Journal
  • Practice gratitude
  • Meditate
  • Pray
  • Write a letter or send a card to someone
  • Volunteer
  • Go to therapy
  • Go to bed on time
  • Get up in the morning on time
  • Skincare routine
  • Garden or tend houseplants
  • Do something new or out of the ordinary
  • Tackle an extra home or cleaning project
  • Go to the library
  • Work at a coffee shop (depending on your work life)

Grab your Weekly Flourish Tracker here.

I’d love to know what’s on your list. Leave a comment below and share other good things that will help us flourish.


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