9 questions for growing forward


We’re nearing the halfway mark for 2023, so this feels like a good time to do a review of how things are going.

Below are nine questions to ask yourself. Grab a journal and a pen.

These questions will help you make a plan for moving forward and flourishing through the rest of 2023.

  *  What actions have you taken this year so far that have helped you flourish? List both big and small actions.

  *  Are there any areas where you still feel like you’re languishing?

*  If so, what actions can you take to move forward in that area(s)?

*  Is there an area you are struggling with? There’s nothing wrong with struggling! That’s how we grow.

*  But if you are still struggling, are there additional actions or changes you could make in order to grow forward again?

*  Is there anything not working for you that you need to let go of?

*  What is working for you right now?

*  Thinking ahead, what do you want in your life by the end of 2023?

*  What actions can you take now that will move you toward those things?


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