What I learned answering my own questions


Last week I sent out nine journal questions to ask yourself in order to grow forward in life.

Today I want to share a little bit about what I learned when journaling my own answers to those questions.

If you haven’t taken a few minutes to journal your answers to those questions, I highly recommend it.

This journaling process was revealing and helpful to me.

First, I was struck by just how much I’d done in the last six months to create flourishing conditions in my life.

Seeing the list of actions I’ve taken provided momentum to keep moving me forward.

It was interesting to see what those actions have led to in my life. In no particular order:

  • The Flourish52 newsletter
  • Getting my fiction writing rolling again
  • Making new friends and being involved in some new things
  • An idea for a new business that I want to work on during the last six months of this year

None of this is earth shattering, but all of it has enhanced my life and little by little it all moved me from languishing to flourishing.

Journaling through the questions also made me take stock of a few areas where I’m still struggling.

Identifying those struggles led to listing actions that I can take to grow forward in those areas.

Finally, the question about looking ahead to the end of 2023 made me realize in order to get to what I want, I need to work on my self-discipline and creative focus. Now I can create a plan to do that, but if I hadn’t taken time to journal through those questions, I might never have realized my need for it.

I hope journaling through the questions will be as helpful to you as it has been to me.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the process, if you’d like to share.


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