Calibrate Your Expectations


The other day, while looking for gardening info on YouTube, I ran across a channel called Homesteady.

I got pulled in to the videos about their challenge to live off-grid for three months in Alaska.

I have no inclination to do that, but the lessons they learned and shared in the video can be applied to so many things.

One of those lessons is to calibrate your expectations.

I struggle with expectations. I can think I’ve lowered them enough, but then I find myself bumping into them again.

Rather than try to lower my expectations or even get rid of them altogether, I really like the idea of calibrating them.

When I think of it like this, I go into a situation aware that I will need to adjust and change my expectations, mindset and attitude to meet the reality as I experience it.

I can calibrate my expectations by remembering what I can and can’t control and then acting on that in a way that will improve the situation.

That may mean making adjustments internally or externally in some way.

I really like the idea of calibrating my expectations, because it means I’m still working with the situation at hand, instead of calling it a “failure” or “disappointment” because it didn’t turn out the way I expected.

I’d love to know what you think of this idea. Leave a comment below to share.


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