Tiny Flourishes from November


One of my focuses for 2023 has been to plan something fun to do each month. In the past, I’ve neglected doing this, but it really does make for a better life.

It also makes opportunity for spending quality time with friends and family. I’m going to continue this focus into 2024.

November held a lot of fun things, mostly planned by other people, but I got to take part and enjoy!

Here are 10 things that made November good for me:

Ballet Performance

I went to a ballet performance in Louisville with my oldest daughter and we had dinner with my oldest son before the show. He was there to run the Louisville marathon the next day.

Restaurant Favorite

We went to a restaurant I’d been wanting to go back to – Ramsi’s Cafe on the World. They have a dish called Egyptian Kitchen which is so, so good!

Cheering for Marathon Runner!

The next day we cheered as our son crossed the finish line for his first marathon! It was so inspiring to watch him and all the other runners reach their goals.

North Carolina Trip

I traveled with Jim to Raleigh, NC where he had a work meeting. On the way home, we stopped in Waynesville, NC and wandered through the shops there.

Neighbor Brunch

One of the neighbor’s on our road hosted a Saturday morning brunch for all the neighbors.  It was such a nice way to get to know everyone.

Now when we see each other on the road, the smiles and waves are bigger, because we’ve met and talked. We need more of this in life!

Vivaldi Candlelight Concert

My sister bought tickets for the two of us to go to a Vivaldi Candlelight Concert. Not only was it a beautiful and relaxing experience, it was the first time just my sister and I did something together in decades. She’s recently moved near us for the first time in our adult lives.

UK Basketball Game

We went to a UK basketball game on a Friday evening with our oldest son and youngest daughter. We sat in the highest section, furthest from the court, but it’s always a great time!

Thanksgiving Hike

We started Thanksgiving morning with a hike in Red River Gorge and followed it up with Thanksgiving dinner, where more family joined us. The morning hike through the forest to a waterfall was so fun and beautiful. We even saw a flock of turkeys.

Good Book

I listened to the audiobook Happiness is a Choice You Make by John Leland. The author is a journalist who set out to meet some of NYC’s oldest residents. He spends a year getting to know six people over 85 years old. Each of the six people offered a different perspective on life and getting older.

Alarm Clock

I finally found a good alarm clock for Jim to use. This was totally my own issue. He’s been happy using any kind of alarm. He used to use his phone, but notifications kept going off, despite his trying to turn them off. Then he switched to an alarm clock that he had trouble setting, changing and turning off. 

This one seems perfect so far. It’s easy to set, has multiple alarm sounds to choose from and knobs to dial down the brightness and sound.

What are your tiny flourishes?

What’s making your life a little better right now? Share in the comments below.


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