10 Tiny Flourishes from February


Here are things that are making my life better right now.

Groundhog Day

This is my favorite holiday, just because it’s silly and there are no expectations attached.

Bonus – the groundhog predicted an early spring this year!

Casablanca at The Kentucky Theater

Jim and I went to see Casablanca on the big screen for Valentine’s Day. We had a great time and it was nice to break up the typical weekday evening routine.

Snowy Hike

We went on a hike one snowy morning in the Red River Gorge. Winter hikes are so beautiful.

Game Nights

We go to my parents’ house to play games on Friday nights. Sometimes one or two of our kids join us.

Travel to Tempe, Arizona

We went to see our son and his girlfriend in Arizona for the weekend. We had a great time. I wanted to get back there before they move in April.

We visited Jerome and Sedona while we were there. It’s such a beautiful part of the country!

Tiny Fan

I bought this little fan to use on the flights. I get a little claustrophobic while flying, especially if the plane is hot. This little fan came to the rescue.

Frozen Spinach

I’ve been buying bags of frozen spinach (not the blocks) and adding it to all kinds of meals. This is such an easy way of increasing the amount of greens we eat.

Lettuce and Radishes in the Greenhouse

I planted lettuce and radishes in the greenhouse and they’ve sprouted and started growing. We’re getting close to gardening season!

Experimenting with listing gratitudes

I’ve been experimenting with listing off things I’m grateful for whenever I find my mind wandering. Times like when I’m brushing my teeth or waiting for the coffee to brew or when I wake at night and can’t go back to sleep.

Computer “Errands”

You know how you have little things you need to do on the computer? Order something, make reservations, look something up, etc.

Often, I need to do these things, but I get distracted when I turn on the computer. So I experimented with making a list of computer errands and then knocking them all out at once.

It worked great!

What’s working for you right now?

I’d love to hear what your tiny flourishes are. Leave a comment below to share.


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