How to Be Lucky Wrap Up


Today I’m wrapping up the How to Be Lucky Challenge.

At the end of any kind of challenge it’s good to take stock so that we can learn everything we can from the experience.

Finishing up by evaluating the process and the progress helps us grow.

I’m going to use four questions to evaluate the How to Be Lucky Challenge:

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t?
  • What did I learn?
  • What’s next?

I’ll share my answers to each of those questions, but I’d love to hear from you too! Share your lessons in the comments.

What worked?

I loved doing this challenge! I really liked using the review frame format in my Lucky Artifact notebook.

That daily process helped me to pay more attention to my everyday life. I also found ideas coming together in new ways and I used the notebook to record those thoughts.

I enjoyed consciously working to expand my social network. I’ve reconnected with old friends and met new people in a writing class. I used an abundance of homegrown tomatoes to share with others, which gave me an excuse to talk with people and invite them out to the house to pick up tomatoes.

I’ve also been letting my subconscious work on taking advantage of chance opportunities.

The framework of the 5 rings of creating positive self-fulfilling prophecies has been very helpful to me as I think about new opportunities. I’ve used this framework to plot out some next steps and new project ideas.

And the last step of turning bad luck into good helped me realize that the key for a good life is to learn and grow, even when things turn out to be “unlucky” and hard.

What didn’t work?

For me, I feel like it all worked. I may not have dramatic improvement in my life, but overall I feel much luckier and happier!

As far as putting the challenge together – I do want to make a change for How to Be Lucky 2.0 so that’s it’s more interactive. I love writing this email newsletter/blog, but I’d like to create something that lends itself to a bit more interaction from readers.

What did I learn?

I have a daily, short journaling practice, but it was nice to change it up with the Lucky practice. It caused me to notice different things. I found it to be a nice way to do a gratitude practice as well.

I loved writing this series! I found so many points of synchronicity in what I’m learning through the positive psychology program I’m in and also my own personal reading.

I’ve already gathered more ideas to add to the 2.0 version of the challenge.

What’s next?

I will be using the How to Be Lucky Challenge as a starting point for an elective class I’m teaching for high school students in January.

I also want to step way out of my comfort zone and give myself the experience of starting a new-to-me project. I’m committed to start where I’m at and work through the uncomfortableness of it to see what can happen if I just start.

I’ll share more about that project in the future.

What about you?

I would love it if you share with me what you learned during this challenge. Even if you didn’t fully participate, tell me if there was something that peaked your interest or if you had a question about something that you’d like to explore more.


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  1. Your paragraph about stepping way out of your comfort zone spoke to me about starting a project I have been putting off. Being committed to start where I am and to work through the uncomfortableness of this is a beautiful place to start!

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