Flourish52 has a new YouTube Channel!


I stepped way outside my comfort zone this week and started a YouTube channel for Flourish52.

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, and things finally came together in my mind through the How to Be Lucky Challenge.

I realized that I just need to START!

So that’s what I did.

I’m not at all sure where it’s going yet, but I have a lot of ideas for videos. There are some topics I’ve written about already that I’d like to explore more and I’ve got ideas for new things as well.

My first video is a bit of a pep talk along with benefits of stepping outside your comfort zone.

You can watch my first video here.

The video is rough, but I’m learning. Where I start isn’t where I’ll end up.

Mostly, I hope this inspires you to jump into whatever you’ve been wanting to try! Maybe you’ve been hesitating over fear of failure or what other people will think.

Here’s your encouragement to just START!

You can do it!


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