My word of the year for 2025 and how I’m tapping into it


I love to hear about how people choose their word of the year.

Some of the people I know have chosen words like Align, Expand, Delight and Essence for 2025.

Two years ago, my word was Flourish – and I started this newsletter at that time.

Last year I chose the word Efflorescence. Here’s a little of what I wrote about why I chose that word:

The action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower: Blossoming.

Fullness of manifestation: Culmination.

A period or state of flowering.

I love so much of what the word Efflorescence means. The words blossoming, unfolding, manifestation and culmination all feel relevant to the idea I want to get at.

I’m looking for an outward expression of inward flourishing.

I do feel like this was the perfect word for me in 2024.

For 2025 I’m choosing the word Season.

I want to tap into the four seasons, but I also want to acknowledge other seasons in my life – things like gardening season, salsa making season, and other seasons that may pop up during the year.

I want to be mindful that things only last for a season. Whether those experiences are good, difficult, challenging, bittersweet or wonderful, everything lasts for just a season.

I also want to lean into the verb aspect of the word. I want to season life with interesting things, adding variety and newness.

I’ve even chosen music as a theme – Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, of course! A search for a live performance of the piece led me to an outdoor performance this summer in a nearby state.

Your 2025 Word of the Year

I’d love to know what you’ve chosen as a word of the year and why you chose it.  Share in the comments below.


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  1. I have chosen Center. I am presently moving through bringing back in my life. remote work, retirement, my health, diet, and just everything that needs to start with me.

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