The luxury and necessity of taking a break


The topic I had in mind for this week isn’t quite coming together in my mind yet.

So I decided to take a break and let those ideas simmer…and write about taking breaks instead.

Part of flourishing over the long haul is knowing when and how to take a break.

We all need breaks sometimes, whether it’s a whole day off, a morning to rest, a week-long break from working out, an afternoon nap…

If you need a break from something, let this email be your reminder to take one. And if you don’t need that break right now, remember you can take one later.

Before your break, think about what it is you need from it.

  • Change of routine
  • Change of scenery
  • Rest
  • Sleep
  • Etc.

Make sure to structure your break so you get what you need from it.

It won’t do you any good to scroll through your phone for several hours, if what you really needed was a short nap and a meandering walk to let your mind wander.

Making a plan for your break helps you to get the most from it, so that when the break is over you’re ready to get back to your normal routine.

If a true break isn’t in the cards right now, try finding 60 seconds or five minutes to sit quietly by yourself.  Just breathe and do a bit of stretching.

Small breaks help us keep moving forward, feeling good while we’re doing it.


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