10 Tiny Flourishes from March


Springtime is here! So many of the tiny flourishes from March have to do with the changing season.

Seed Starting

I started tomato and pepper seeds, along with some other things too. I’m usually bad about labeling my seedlings. The labels always get shuffled around and lost.

This year, I decided to skip the labels altogether! Surprise garden! I don’t know if that was the best idea, but I’m leaning into the chaos.

Watching Amazing Race

We’re watching the new season of Amazing Race with our youngest daughter. This is a long tradition and it’s so fun to have a show to watch together. It also gives her a reason to come over during the week, so we get to see her more often.

Easter with Family

We celebrated Easter with Jim’s family in Ohio last Saturday and got to hold our niece’s new baby. He’s so sweet!

On Sunday we had my parents and my sister, along with a couple of our kids here at the house.

Steamed Dumplings

One of my favorite restaurants is a Korean place that serves hot stone bowls. I don’t know the Korean name for this dish, but it’s wonderful!

The last time we went, I asked about their dumplings. Usually, dumplings have meat in them and we don’t eat meat, but these were vegan and they were amazing! I’m so glad we discovered them.

Fruit Trees

We’ve got one peach tree, two pear trees and four apple trees that I planted a couple years ago.  The peach tree bloomed early and I really thought it would get frozen out in the cold weather.  It’s looking good so far though. Hopefully, we’ll get fruit this year!

Applied Positive Psychology Program

I started the Certificate of Applied Positive Psychology program at the beginning of March. It runs through November with classes twice a week.

I’m learning so much! I’ll be sharing some of what I’m learning with you in Flourish52.

Tiny Daffodils

I discovered some tiny, tiny daffodils in our front yard. I don’t remember them from past years, but they were probably there and I just didn’t see them.

Dinner and Game Night

Twice this month we had dinner with our oldest son and his girlfriend and then went to my parents’ house for games. This is a Friday night tradition, but we don’t always have kids join us.

Spur of the Moment Dinner

One weekday evening, we decided to go out to dinner and called our daughter to see if she and her boyfriend wanted to join us. It was a fun change to the usual weeknight and really good to visit with them.

Lots of Time on the Back Porch

We’ve had such great weather this spring, which has made sitting on the porch a delight!

Tell me about Your Tiny Flourishes!

What’s making your life better right now? Share in the comments below.


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  1. Tiffany,

    Your Flourish lists are so inspiring!

    I live in the Lexington area and am wondering about the particular Korean restaurant you refer to. One of our sons and his wife eat vegan, and it would be fun to surprise them by taking them out to dinner there.


    1. The restaurant is called Arirang, just off Richmond Rd. We order the hot stone bowl without the beef. It does come with an egg and sometimes we order without that too. The dumplings are vegan though, at least that’s what they told us 🙂

  2. My husband is gone a lot for work and our two youngest kids are in college so I'm by myself quite a bit. I've been looking for things to put on my calendar to look forward to and to get out of the house. In the February issue of our city's newsletter, it announced our city's CommuniTeen Read. The high schools and the community read the same book and the author comes and speaks at both high schools and then does a community event in March. I've never participated before, but thougt I would give it a try. I quickly got the book and registered for the community event. Loved the book! The author's talk was fabulous. She was so much fun. I even waited a little over an hour to have her sign my book. It was so worth it.

    In March, I signed for a Michigan Reads! author event and a ladies conference for April. The ladies conference was last weekend and was wonderful. A friend came with me. The author event is next week. It took a little longer to read that book. There was an unexpected death in the family so my brain was a little distracted.

    I have a question about your flourishes and taking pictures. Do you take pictures of some of the things you do or do you just enjoy the moment? While waiting in line for the author to sign my book, many were taking pictures with the author. I was having the great debate in my head. I don't want to live all my moments on the other side of my phone, but at the same time having pictures will help me remember moments later on. I opted for a picture of the event sign and a quick little chat with the author. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. Nikki, It sounds like you’re really expanded your life with reading. I love that! As for photos, I think that depends on the person. For myself, I don’t usually take photos. Sometimes I do, but not often. Other people really like the act of taking the photo and then looking back at them. I gues it depends on what makes you feel like you’re savoring the moment more.

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