That stage where the task feels daunting


I’ve been consistently posting on my new YouTube channel and I’ve hit the part where it feels daunting.

I’m wondering if I have what it takes to successfully do this. (Part of this is for me to define what my success looks like – consistent growth and building a community.)

In anything that we try – new habits, new skills, etc. – there are five stages of growth we go through:

  • Unconscious Incompetence – We don’t yet know all that we need to learn.
  • Conscious Incompetence – We’re aware of all the skills we lack.
  • Conscious Competence – We can do it, but it doesn’t feel natural and requires big effort.
  • Unconscious Competence – It all feels natural to us now.
  • Consolidation – Everything comes together and we’ve mastered it.

I’m at the Conscious Incompetence phase for my YouTube journey. I’m aware of all the skills I lack and just how much I have to learn.

Think of a habit or skill you’re trying to put into practice in your life. Which stage are you in with that habit or skill?

If you find yourself in Conscious Incompetence and you’re wondering if you should keep going, here are some strategies that might help.

I’m going to employ many of these myself.

Embrace a growth mindset and celebrate small wins.

Remember that we can learn skills and get better, a little at a time. Celebrating the small wins will help us keep going.

Set realistic, process goals instead of outcome goals.

A process goal is something like posting once a week, or walking three days a week. When we focus on the process instead of the outcome, we’re moving ourselves down the path to mastery.

Find and tap into resources

No matter what we want to learn and do in life, there’s a resource out there to help us. I’ve been absorbing all kinds of YouTube for beginners info. Even for things like getting cleaning routines set up or adding walking to our days or making dinner every night (Eat at Home!), you’ll find resources to help you on the journey.

Stay patient and keep going!

Realize that learning is a journey. It takes time to learn new skills or create new habits. This uncomfortable stage is temporary and we can move through it.

Joy Refresh Series

A couple of weeks ago, I started the Joy Refresh series on my channel. 

I’m struggling with my editing skills, among many, many other skills I lack! But I’ve put the videos out there anyway, knowing that the only way I can grow is to work through the beginner stage.

Do these stages of growth resonate with you?

I’d love to know what you’re working on right now. Do these stages of growth resonate with you? Leave a comment below and let me know!


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