When you’re not off to a great start


We’re about half way through January now.

Did you set goals or have ideas about habits you wanted to focus on?

Maybe you’re like me and you find that things aren’t changing or progressing as quickly as you hoped.

Here’s the pep talk/reality talk I’m giving myself right now.

Two weeks out of Fifty Two Weeks

January may be half over, but we’re barely into this year. These goals, intentions and ambitions are all about the long range view.

Two weeks is such a small amount of time. Keep going!

Remember why it’s important

I set my goals for a reason. You set yours for a reason. Let’s reconnect with those reasons.

Take a small step today

Break things down into tiny steps in the right direction. What tiny step can you take today to move toward your goal?

Don’t look for the results yet, just focus on the actions

Results take a long time to see. Instead, focus on the actions you need to take.

How can you create the conditions to succeed in your goal?

Just like we’ve been creating conditions to flourish, we can also create conditions to find success in other areas of life.

What kind of conditions can you set up that will support your efforts toward your goal?

Reassess what’s working and what’s not

Figure out where you’ve stumbled and make a new path around the obstacle.

I hope you find these ideas helpful!


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